(SEA) Search Engine Advertising

Like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEA - Search Engine Advertising also aims to raise traffic to the website or web page, but through the presentation of online ads (Google Adwords) - method paid out. Instead of organic or free results, SEA results come from sponsored links or paid results. These are ads that are indexed to certain keywords, that when they are searched in the search engine, it presents the ad to the user (based on their interests).



An in-depth analysis is conducted to get to know your company's target audience, as well as your market and competition. In this way it is possible to identify the type of search for certain products or services and consequently the keywords used to find them.


Based on the identified keywords, the ad is created, which will be easily found during searches performed on Google. Because during campaign creation, you select the destination country, language, and link to redirect the user.


Whenever a user clicks on your ad, that click will be counted toward the Cost Per Click (CPC), ie you'll only pay if your ad is clicked. However, there are other options such as CPM (Click By Thousand Clicks), CPA (Click By Acquisition), Cost Per Call.


Taking into account the objectives to be achieved, the budget to be invested is defined monthly or during the period in which the campaign is taking place. Being that this can increase or decrease according to the results obtained and budget available.


From the time the campaign is online to completion, it is necessary to track and monitor the results and, if necessary, edit the ads, add or remove keywords, or increase or decrease the bid.

It is important to note that a SEA (Search Engine Advertising) strategy must be carried out simultaneously with the work of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), in order to maximize results and increase sales and relevance online.

Lets start to advertise your products or services online?