Social Media Campaigns

The power of Social Networks, is nowadays a phenomenon in terms of Communication and Marketing, whether on the side of the consumer or the company! Since the publications, the ads, the promotional actions, and the campaigns have a great social impact, that contributes to the improvement of the companies results. However, in spite of the rapid technological evolution, the word-of-mouth, originally from traditional communication, continues to present high results, through different online platforms (e-word-of-mouth). And this dynamic is highly valued by consumers before acquiring any product or service.

But how do you influence your consumers to realize positive e-word-of-mouth? In addition to the realization of viral contents, through Social Media Campaigns, because the vast majority of Social Networks already allows the realization of campaigns aimed at a certain segment of the market!

However, before the creation of any Social Media Campaign, it is necessary to define:

  • Target
  • Campaign goal
  • What product/ service
  • Budget available
  • Start and end date of campaign

In an increasingly technological and connected world, Social Networks have offered (and offer daily) a new opportunity to reach the target audience through different platforms and formats.

What content do you usually share in your Social Media Campaigns? And what brings you the expected results?